Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Renewable Energy Plan for 2030

!: A Renewable Energy Plan for 2030

Despite all the negative publicity recently over fossil fuels, oil and natural gas, has been the growth of our modern world. Has the population of life after dark and the transport of goods has contributed all over the world and allows progress of technology. However, the use of fossil fuels has many negative consequences: it is serious environmental pollution, political conflicts, economic control and total dependence on countries that lack of naturalResource.

The supply of fossil fuels are limited and it is only in certain regions of the world. The demand for fossil fuels creates conflicts that threaten peace. Countries which could have an adequate supply of fossil fuels threaten the safety and economy of the countries that depend on these countries. In addition, there have been many estimates of the amount of fossil fuels in the world was made. These estimates are dependent on the population and howmuch the actual consumption of fossil fuels increases in the near future. These estimates say that there is enough for about another 35 years for oil, natural gas 37 years and coal 107 years [1]. In addition to the negative environmental consequences of the use of these fuels, there is a finite supply of fossil fuels, that will force the use of another form of energy. The limited supply and high demand leads to price increases inevitable. Therefore, the end of cheap oil in a hurryapproaches.

The use of fossil fuels in global energy demand caused harmful side effects for humans, plants and animals meet. Waste heat from these fuels and pollute the air in the atmosphere of earth, water and soil. This leads to reduce the living conditions for all species on Earth. Besides the threat to our ecosystem and the health of many types of pollution is changing the world's atmosphere. This trend is globalHeating, and worse in the future will increase due to increased burning of fossil fuels for electricity because of the growing world population. In the process of fuel combustion, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and unburned hydrocarbons released into the atmosphere. The catalysts greatly reduce pollution, but are not perfect. Many cities now have hazardous levels of ozone. The world needs an energy source, low pollutionEmissions, energy efficiency, and an unlimited supply of fuel for a growing world population.

Many alternative energy technologies have been studied and developed. These include solar, wind, bioenergy, geothermal energy, and many others. Solar cells use solar energy to generate electricity, wind power from kinetic energy of wind is granted, the bioenergy from plants and geothermal energy from the earth. Each of these alternative energy sources has itsAdvantages and disadvantages and all are in various stages of development.

For most countries around the world when the power was cut off from fossil fuels - the whole economy would stop. There would be no way for people to go to work or his use of electricity in their homes or workplaces. The world's population consumes oil at a height greater than 100,000 times the speed that they were formed. The United States currently imports 70% of the oil, and is stillincreases. About 80% of the total energy demand in the world is provided by fossil fuels [2]. The International Energy Agency [3], estimates that global demand for primary energy is expected to grow by about 45% in 2030. The cost of meeting these energy needs are estimated at $ $ 20000000000000 [2, 3]. Why so much money to spend on investment in energy infrastructure in coming years, this allows an opportunity for the replacement of fossil fuelsInfrastructure with renewable energy infrastructure. U.S. coal and fossil fuel power plants are already quite old, because at least half of the plants were built before 1970. If older plants are retired in the first place, it can be easily transferred to the progression of energy, alternative energy sources without the early retirement of the plant.

Although demand for oil, world production of oil in 2005 [1] at its peak. In 2006, states that a significant percentage had theirElectricity from renewable energy sources Canada (16%), followed by France (6%), Italy (6.5%), Germany (5.6%), United States (4.8%) and the United Kingdom (1, 7%) [8] below. The world community has reached a point where the future energy needs must be balanced so that future economic and environmental needs. Currently we have a real opportunity to transform the way in which our economy uses energy, prevent further pollution, and we can help ensure a safer future.

About GlobalWarming

For all the skeptics of global warming - please read on!

Everyone is aware that the definition of global warming, a significant increase in the temperature of the Earth in a short period of time for the result of human activities. A temperature increase of 0.4 degrees Celsius over a century and a significant increase of 1 degree Celsius is considered as global warming. Even if 1 or 2 degrees Celsius does not seem like much, small temperature changes havesignificant effects. If the term "ice age", you probably think the world of snow and ice covered hear. Ice ages occur every 50,000 to 100,000 years ago and the average global temperature of only 5 ° C. than at present [4, 5, 6].

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a group of more than 2,500 scientists from countries around the world who gathered in 2007, before the climate research. One of the conclusions of this meeting was that in the last 15 years havewarmest since 1850. Some of his comments that the glaciers and snow fell in the northern hemisphere and south and the Arctic average temperature has increased significantly to twice the global average over the past 100 years. The rain has increased in America, Northern Europe and parts of Asia and South Africa and the Mediterranean have experienced drying trends. Overall, the hot days have become more common worldwide, and the cold days become less frequent and severe [4- 7].

natural climate changes, such as heating due to volcanic activity, the radiation from the sun, and changes in atmospheric chemistry, sometimes thousands of years, until 1 C rate, the current concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) determined from ice cores (180 to 300 ppm) is much larger than the natural range found in the last 650,000 years. If the concentration of CO2 increases to 400-440 ppm and stays there, the temperature rise of 2.4 would be possible -2.8 ° C [4-7].

To stabilize CO2 levels, it is pointed, and then sink. The quicker this happens the lower the peak level of stabilization. According to the IPCC, to stabilize concentrations of CO2-equivalent to 445-490 ppm, CO2 emissions would peak by 2015 (the latest), and then fall between 50 to 85% below the 2000 2050. Peaked later and higher concentration would lead to significant increases in temperature.

AFuture Vision

There are many ways a "bright future" to do with renewable energy. There is no single solution to our energy future. Wind, solar, geothermal and fuel cells - The future of energy is used by many renewable energy technologies are combined. The technology to achieve this is available or under development. Some of the tasks that we must deliver

Create a field of alternative energy technologies
Energy costs
Reduce climate change
Increasing security of energy supply
Helping to create the conditions for long-term prosperity
To meet these challenges we need:

Use a combination of wind (both on-and off-shore)
Use both the concentration and standard photovoltaic
Using geothermal energy
Using systems of fuel cells, hydrogen produced by electrolysis
The use of biomass and municipal waste
To be successful a companyrenewable energy, there must be a way to save energy, because renewable energy sources (solar and wind power) will be at irregular intervals. Solar and wind power are both good methods for the production of energy from natural resources, but the height of the sun and the wind speed varies. If these sources are not available - electricity can not be generated. If a large amount of energy is produced, hydrogen can be produced from water. Hydrogen can be stored for later use.

AsRegarding fuels, hydrogen fuel is one of the most powerful. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe but does not exist in its pure form on earth. Therefore, it is extracted from common fuels or water. The process is most often used to produce hydrogen, steam reforming of natural gas. It can also be extracted from coal, nuclear, biofuels or waste products. Hydrogen can also use water from the processelectrolysis. Electrolysis splits water into hydrogen and oxygen with electricity. Renewable energies such as photovoltaics, wind, hydro and geothermal energy are increasingly used to generate electricity, and excess electricity can be used for electrolysis. Hydrogen can be used or stored, to generate electricity at a later date.

Electricity for residential and commercial purposes

Electricity to residential and business customers, using a combinationWind, solar and hydrogen fuel cells. It must also intermediate solutions and cooperation between companies, service companies and individuals to success in order to transition to a renewable hydrogen, and energy-efficient economy. Businesses have the electronics and energy efficient equipment to minimize energy consumption and switch off automatically when not in use in the manufacture. Utilities and governments must provide incentives for the useless energy, and individuals should be aware of the amount of energy they use. There is significant evidence that growth creates the demand for electricity through the use of equipment and devices that are more energy efficient, implementation of building regulations, financial incentives and help individuals to voluntarily reduce energy consumption may be reduced.

The U.S. Department of Energy has recently completed a study that wind power is investigated and found that the implementation of 600GW by 2030 was possible. If this actually occurred, would be about 50% of U.S. energy consumption is expected in 2030. One advantage of wind power is that it is not too much space - the towers can be placed on agricultural land, (and almost everything else), not exactly your way.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) is a technology that can be used immediately, and demand is very strong growth in the last decade. But have a low market share duethe high cost of solar cells. The solar thermal power plants can quickly be accepted as traditional solar technology because the costs are competitive with traditional energy sources in principle. Solar thermal power systems allow power plants to solar electricity on a larger scale, which in turn allows consumers the benefits of solar energy without the investment company for the production of personal solar technology systems. Geothermal energy can also be a significantAmount of energy when they are detected within the next few years.

Fuel cells have been used for decades for business and residential use. stationary fuel cells can provide enough power and heat to power an entire home or business that can lead to significant savings - and enough power to sell some of which are new to the network. Fuel cells can also contribute to stream through working with large power plants with greater decentralization and greater efficiency.The majority of electricity produced from fossil fuel plants by high-power cables high voltage transmission line is spread over large distances. These plants seem to be very efficient because of their size, but there is a 7-8 percent loss of power in Europe and 10 percent energy loss in the U.S. for long distance transmission. One of the main issues related to these lines is that it really works all the time. It would be safer forthe population when there are the production of several large systems, is produced but where energy is needed. Fuel cells used in all areas of energy without the use of large cables needed.

Fuel cells could power homes and businesses where no electricity is available. Sometimes it can be extremely expensive for a house that is not connected to the network with the power to do so. Fuel cells are also more reliable than other commercial generators for powerHomes and businesses. This can benefit many companies, given how much money you can lose if the power fails even for a short period of time.

The future energy economy, individual families will be able to produce their own energy. This will help to spread the power of global oil companies and governments to the people. individual families can distribute their energy to the energy grid to areas that are less able to share due to weather conditions.


The Energy Information Administration [2], states that vehicles 70% of liquid fuels used by the United States, the average fuel economy of vehicles are now consumes about 22 miles per gallon. However, it should not increase the average fuel consumption of about 45 miles per gallon by 2030 unrealistic. Hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cells that supply all or low or no oil consumption, and each can be useful for converting hydrogen and renewable energy-basedEconomy. All major car manufacturers have already invested heavily in fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen fuel technology.

Many factors are contributing to the fuel cell drive the car market. The availability of fossil fuels is limited, and this occurs because of an increase in price unavoidable. In addition, the legislation more stringent control of emissions into the environment. One of the new rules that will help launch the fuel cell car market in the United States, theCalifornia Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate that a certain number of vehicles per year in California must be sold. Fuel cell vehicles also have the opportunity to be more efficient than vehicles powered by other fuels. This technology allows you to be able to use new skills in a series of small two and four wheel drive vehicles, boats, ships, unmanned aircraft and other commercial vehicle wheels.

In the future, the cars are plugged into an electrical outlet in homes and offices to helpgenerate electricity for vehicles and homes. Homes require only an average power of 10 kW at all. And since cars can produce 40 kW of power can a machine of a power plant for the home or office. Cars can also be a bar where people go to the power of work. This transition to a hydrogen economy is a major challenge and opportunity of the 21st Century.

Portable Power Systems

Portable electronic devices such as Laptops,Cameras and cell phones can last 10 or 20 times longer using hydrogen. In the coming years, mobile devices such as Laptops, cell phones, video recorders and other needs more energy for longer periods. Fuel cells are highly scalable and easily than the ability to recharge the batteries. mobile phone technology is advancing rapidly, but the limiting factor for the new technology is power. More power is required to provide consumers with all the functionsin equipment they need and want. The military has also the need for long-term supply for the new portable military equipment. In addition, fuel cells are quiet and have a low heat signature, the clear advantages for the military.

The creation of jobs with the New Renewable Energy Industry

The construction of the alternative energy sector could easily create millions of jobs over the next 10 years. These jobs would include the construction and operation of new power plants,The production of renewable energy technologies (eg solar and wind energy), R & D for new renewable energy technologies and jobs that are created by the money spent on these technologies.

To transform our oil economy, we must make an investment in change. We must ensure that we offer our world as a force in the next 20 years and beyond.

[1] Shahriar, S. and Topal, E. (2009). When you reserve will be reduced to fossil fuels? Energy Policy, 37:181-189.
[2] Energy Information Administration. (2008). International Energy Outlook 2008, Washington DC, November 2008 (No. DOE/EIA-0484 (2008)). Retrieved 25th January 2009 to
[3] International Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. (2008). World Energy Outlook 2008th With []
[4] Hegerl, GC, FW Zwiers, P. Braconnot, NP Gillett, Y. Luo, JA Marengo Orsini, N.Nicholls, JE Penner and PA Stott, 2007: Understanding and mapping of climate change. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, KB Averyt, M. Tignor and HL Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
[5] Bates, BC, ZW Kundzewicz, S. Wu and JPPalutikof, EDS, 2008. Climate change and water. Technical paper of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, 210 p. Accessed February 8, 2009 by
[6] Le Treut, H., R. Somerville, U. Cubasch, Y. Ding, C. Mauritz, A. Mokssit, T. Peterson and M. Prather, 2007: Historical overview of climate change. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group IFourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, KB Averyt, M. Tignor and HL Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
[7] IPCC, 2007: summary for policy makers. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Solomon [Climate Change, S., D. Qin, M.Manning,
[8] Sadorsky, P. (2009). Consumption of energy, CO2 emissions and oil prices in the G7 countries, energy, doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2008.12.010.

A Renewable Energy Plan for 2030

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Foreign voltage converter - Picking One Out

!: Foreign voltage converter - Picking One Out

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You can say a holiday at the door and you plan to travel outside the United States, or maybe you plan to travel to the United States from another country. Did you know that you will not be able to put things into an outlet without a converter? It 's true!

While Europe and the United States to work with different power sources, it is important that you get a converter, the way we work. Do not make the mistake of othersthere is going to pay for the airport. We all know how the airport, tears and yes, I am going to use! A drive that is set back about $ 5 today, it will easily cost $ 25 to the terminal.

If you're looking to make a purchase, here's what to do ...

Where are you going? Ask yourself this question. Are you going to Europe? Australia? The Middle East? Want to go to find one that works with these countries. How do you knowif it works? They simply extract the package and should be able to tell you. If you are unsure, read the description online.

How much power? Some converters can be connected to small things, but if you have a large hook is for Laptops and other large electrical devices that are going to want to make sure that you always have one that is going to work for you. The power the more the better. The last step is what you'll find thatwas not enough power.

Foreign voltage converter - Picking One Out

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Friday, March 11, 2011

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